Christmas is 3 days away! I don't have time for "very close"! |
Yeah... no kidding. I love that you only dug up one item with those 9 shovels we saved up...
I'm doing the best I can... will I even get the crafting stuff? |
uuuuuuh... yeah about that....
Yeah I don't think the odds are good...
No wonder Playfish is failing. It's run by morons. |
Or very smart people... they know people will pay to get those items on time.
And no, don't look at me that way. We can do without those items!
..ok now what is so funny?
Just thinkin' about the evolving Christmas tree... |
HAH! Right. The one that's likely going to finish evolving AFTER Christmas? Oh, Playfish.. you give us so much to laugh about! Thank you and Merry Christmas! :)
...what are you thinking about Mintsy?
I'm thinking... I'll just take the Mayor's shovels. |
o_O How do you plan to do that?
Mintsy... is that a fireball I see in your hand?
Oh come on! I haven't refueled the jet yet from
last time!!!!! GAH! :(