Sunday, December 23, 2012

Playfish has gone to the dogs

Hi, I'm Mintsy's friend Blossom!

And I'm her owner and will try to keep her in line.

I am a cat. I am not very fond of dogs. But I'm pretty sure Playfish's programmers are dogs. Why? The Mayor is a dog, so obviously the programmers are biased toward dogs.

Also, dogs are colorblind. Look at this.

So I picked up a "Yellow Rose" digging.

Wait. This is not right.
Mayor, can you please fix this?

I do not understand the purpose of your sentence fragment, Mayor.
Okay, I'll buy a Rudolf Plushie (maybe). Can you please make the Yellow Rose yellow? Or call it a Pink Rose?

I don't know the last time I've seen you in a wig. And I'm starting to doubt you know the definition of the word "color."
"BLOSSOM! Be nice."
Why should I be nice?

So wait. The Mayor has a disability?
All right, fine. I'm sorry, Mayor.

HUUUUGS. (but only because it's Christmas.)

And now I'm going to go change out of this purple and orange outfit and into something more Christmasy!

"Blossom? Hm. I guess cats have trouble distinguishing colors, too."

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