Oh that tickles. hehehee |
Mintsy... I have some... bad news.
Oh no. I'm dying, aren't I? I knew it! |
No, no no no! Never. Ruby isn't even dead, remember?
But I've come to a decision... I'm no longer going to pursue getting your ears fixed.
No!? Why? I hate pink inner ears! |
Because... we may not have much time left in our Pet Society house...
But these ears are ugly. |
And the time that we do have... well I don't want to waste the energy lamenting over your changed ears. I want to put it towards more stories, more fun, etc etc.
In essence, more time for fun things and not worrying about stuff we can't change!
Well, stories and more fun things sound pretty cool. |
Yes, Mintsy, they do! ::squishes:: I just want to enjoy the you I still have. Pink or green inner ears, you're still you. And you're still cute.
::huggles:: |