Monday, February 18, 2013

Mintsy Monday: Problems with desks

Ok first off I get a kick out of some of the "coding gone wrong" things in the game. It keeps me amused. :)

Sometimes I get a laugh out of how they do the layering... sometimes. Like on the occasions below.
This book is so interesting!

That has always bugged me. lol When the pets sit down... they end up on the wrong side of the desk. Being a 2D game... I'm not sure what the solution is aside from letting chairs be IN FRONT. Because then we have this issue:

Help! I can't see my computer!
And not being able to see your computer is a HUGE problem! ;)

I always thought it was funny how the pets sometimes couldn't reach things either...

I can't see where the needle is!
Be careful Mintsy!!! Also... you're on the wrong side of your desk again! >.<

However, this is probably my favorite desk in the game:

Mintsy can't see her book.... BUT she is on the right side!!!!!!! :D


  1. LoL! That's something that has ALWAYS bugged me as well. It's the reason why I don't have an office in the game.

    Good post! :)

    1. Thanks!

      lol that's funny this is the very reason you dont have an office in game :D I don't blame you! :D

  2. That giant shelf desk is AWFUL! LOL
