Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blog Tag! Mintsy is it!

If you could have any job in Pet Society, what would it be?

I would be Mayor! Our current one needs to be fired!
His hat is too big!
He prattles on about the most annoying things! UHG
I think he just hit on me? Plus he isn't wearing those clothes
so I think he might be a little nuts...
He's often naked!
And he put his house at #1 on your list... like he thinks you'd want to visit HIM first! Uhg the ego of that dog!!!
Seriously, why does he need a golden statue?
After he makes us find his lost animals,
he then makes us dance for a lousy purple mystery box!
After all that running around we at least deserve a gold one!
He must get money under the table from these games...
 Why is it so big! It is covering the furniture store!

Wow. I knew you didn't like the Mayor but I think this might be the first time I've heard you speak about taking over his position... o__O

I think I would make a wonderful Mayor!
Everyone would love me!
  • I would lower cash prices.
  • I would bring back coin seeds.
  • I would do away with CC digging! And having to craft the gate!
  • I would make level up rooms for house B.
  • And most of all I would restore my inner ear color!
So lets stand together Pet Society neighbors! Lets demand there be a new Mayor in town!

I know you'll vote for my cute adorable face...
Right?... Right?

OK Mintsy. We need to choose who goes next and pick a question for them! Are you ready for this?
BLOG TAG! Tee he. Rico, you're it! Bullet your whole day!
Wow Mintsy, that's a hard one!

To find out how Rico's pet spends their days.... keep an eye out for their post at Palank's Prose and Poetry Pen Shop!

This is a blog tagging game hosted by the Secret Blogging Club Members. It's game for members only but if you have a Pet Society blog and would like to join the group, message me on Facebook for details! 


  1. I love this post! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Okay, I got tagged. My post should come up soon. My creative juices are flowing.

  2. Great Post! Mintsy, you have my vote! :D

    1. Mintsy is very happy to have your vote :) tee hee

  3. LOL! Mintsy always makes me laugh, she has my vote too! :D

    1. Yah! Thanks to all of your votes.. it seems Mintsy has been elected Mayor for a day in March... Rico has all the details about that on his blog! tee hee :D

  4. So cute! Mintsy has brilliant ideas, I'd love it if she becomes the next Mayor! -Evolei

    1. Thank you! :D And Mintsy thanks you for your vote ;) tee hee. Now to only bring this to PF's attention. ha ha ha ha ;)

    2. Thank you! And Mintsy thanks you for your support! tee heee :D

  5. Awww, Mintsy is one of my favorite pet society pets out there! She's so cute and smart!
