Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Reflections a reflection on you?

This is an ongoing story... please read the other parts first.
Recap & links here

Have you thought up a revenge against Mintspinky yet, Mintsy? (pleasesaynopleasesayno)

No. :/

Uuuh I mean that's too bad... yeah...

Oh come on, Mintsy... it's not that bad... she could have done a lot worse than just the mayor's reflection...
Uh Mintsy... what is this? o_O
All of the mirrors in Pet Society!
What? WAIT! No Mintsy, those are antiques!!!

.... OK fine...  if it'll make you feel better you rotten pixel...

Oh I can't watch....

Is that the last of them?

No... I have many many more to collect....

Um... you guys might want to lock your doors.... :/


  1. Oh no! Don't burn all of the mirrors Mintsy!! Have you tried effect away? Maybe it will return your reflection back to normal.

  2. Hi minsty! I'm Kiara .your stories are really funny!
