Friday, May 17, 2013

Fashion Friday: Queen Mintsy

I would like a pony, now. Shoo shoo.
... Mintsy... what are you doing?

Practicing my Queenliness.
....  um I know I put you up in a Castle, Mintsy, but that doesn't necessarily mean you are a Queen.
Um. Yes it does. I have the clothes to prove it.
Purple QUEEN!
Evil QUEEN - w/o the ugly head gear
Very few masks and hooded things look good on you Mintsy because of your adorable whiskers... poor thing...  <3

Never mind that this dress probably suits you the most...
QUEEN of Hearts!

Angelic QUEEN!

So you see it is quite obvious...
I am a queen!
.... fine.

 ::goes and buys a pony::

Rotten pixel.

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