Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tour Guide Mintsy: Music and Jewels

Welcome to my Royal Gem and Music Rooms

Royal Gems

Hmm what gems should I wear today!? teehee

 I was a little angry at first when I could only display these but then I thought... they'd made a nice room! tee hee

The Royal Music Room 

This piano is really hard to play...

Probably because you can't play it, Mintsy... lol. I don't know why they added that to some pianos but not all.

Lets make beautiful music together!

Enjoy a quick video tour of BOTH of these rooms :

For a full list of rooms: Tour Guide Mintsy


  1. Beautiful rooms Mintsy! Sorry for not visiting for awhile, been pretty busy! <3

    1. Thank you! :D Sorry you've been busy. I hope it's a good busy! <3
