Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tour Guide Mintsy: Polar Paradise, Santa's Grotto, Ballerina & Beach Wedding

Fairy's and Hairdos, and Stages and Beaches!

Fairy Sanctuary -- Polar Paradise

It's a purple paradise in here!

Polar paradise room... perfect for purply goodness fairy dust! Also, this is my Unicorn collection. tee hee
There are unicorns in this room people... UNICORNS! That makes this ridiculously lame video NOT lame. Trust me.

Hair Salon--Santa's Grotto

Theatre Stage -- Ballerina Green Room

 Beach House -- Beach Wedding

For a quick video of these three rooms:

For a full list of rooms: Tour Guide Mintsy


  1. Cool! I especially love the hair salon and beach house rooms! :D

    1. Thank you! I actually tore apart the salon this week LOL I moved it to a bigger room because I got more tables 0:) so I need to redo this! lol
