So as many of you may know, Mintsy's best friend is Blossom. They do a lot together.
Hey Blossom! No need to call me. I'm right here! Tee hee |
This was their very first photo together and the second photo Mintsy ever took. :)
OH NOES! What did you do to Blossom you evil yellow thing! |
Mintsy was very dismayed not to see Blossom that day.... but upon returning the next day....
Tee hee I am so happy you're back to your normal color, Blossom! |
They spent a lot of time at Blossom's Child's Restaurant. :)
I love going to Blossom's! Her rooms are fun! |
Blossom had an AMAZING Theme park devoted to Coney Island's Luna Park. :)
And recently they shot a video playing together!
Ssshe... We're being like trees. |
Those wigs were crazy :D I think we made good use out of em.
Tee hee... my cheaper one is just as fun! |
Mintsy was teasing blossom over her
coin unicycle....
Hi Blossom! Tee hee |
They attended Church together...
Tee hee Blossom. We're just gonna keep on swimming! |
Forever together, Mintsy :) <3
<3 <3 <3 They're so cute together! I remember that first photo...makes me laugh! I don't miss Blossom being brown though...I think that was even harder than green to come up with good outfits. :P I do not remember what was up with the yellow.