Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mintsy's Theme Week: Head in the Clouds

Hello! I am ready for my new room now!
Hello oh impatient pixel one!

Lets see what the Cat Dresser has in store for us this week!

Tee hee this tickles!
o_O HAH. She actually... put together an outfit...

I guess this means it is Head in the Clouds week! :D

::throws a bunch of cloud stuff in the room::

It's too boring! More! I need more.... something! Something more... interesting!
Uhg. Always demanding something you rotten pixel...

::rummages through pages and pages of stuff and about an hour later...::

Ah ha! You want to live in the clouds... live in the clouds you will my little pixel!

Tee hee! This is so fuuuuuuuuuun
Well as long as you're happy Mintsy :)

Are you still enjoying PS? If so... what are you up to this week?